Social Conditions, General: Italy. Rome. Ghetto: Environment Before Immigration. Standards of Living in European Cities. Social Conditions in Rome, Italy: 1905: In the Ghetto: Rome.
Unidentified Artist
Social Conditions, General: Holland. Isle of Marken: Social Conditions in Holland, 1903: Isle of Marken.: Fisher Cottages.
Unidentified Artist
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: 10. New Lebanon, N.Y., and Shaker Village, active 1890s
James E. West
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: 67. Shaker Village, Looking South, Mt. Lebanon, N.Y., active 1890s
James E. West
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: No. 1052. Store, North Family Shakers, Mt. Lebanon, N.Y., active 1890s
James E. West
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: IV. North Family dwelling., active 1890s
James E. West
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: Telling Stories, Mt. Lebanon Shakers
Will S. Potter
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: The Garden, North Family Shakers, Mt. Lebanon, N.Y.
Will S. Potter
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: Among the Bees, North Family Shakers, Mt. Lebanon, N.Y.
Will S. Potter
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: 993. The Stone Barn, Shaker Village, Mt. Lebanon, N.Y., active 1890s
James E. West
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: I. Lebanon Valley from State Road., active 1890s
James E. West
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: II. First and Second Houses for family dwellings, active 1890s
James E. West
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: A Shaker brother and his feathered pets, Mt. Lebanon, N.Y.
Will S. Potter
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: At work in the bee garden, North Family Shakers, Mt. Lebanon, N.Y.
Will S. Potter
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: 817. View of the Lebanon Valley from the bend, Lebanon-Pittsfield State Road, active 1890s
James E. West
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: Among the Flowers, North Family Shakers, Mt. Lebanon, N.Y.
Will S. Potter
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: No. 502. Interior of a Shaker Store, North Family, Mt. Lebanon, NY, active 1890s
James E. West
Social Revolution (?): United States. New York. Mt. Lebanon. Shaker Communities: Shaker Communities, United States: Among the Goldenglow, North Family Shakers, Mt. Lebanon, NY
Will S. Potter
Charity, Children: United States. New Hampshire. Manchester. St. Joseph's Boys' Home: New Hampshire State Charitable and Correctional Institutions.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Children: United States. New Hampshire. Manchester. St. Joseph's Boys' Home: New Hampshire State Charitable and Correctional Institutions.: School Room.
Unidentified Artist