Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Europe. France. Paris: La Bellevilloise: Coöperative Societies, France: La Bellevillaise Socialist Coöperative Society in Paris 1907: Holiday Excursion of the Members and their Families
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Great Britain, England. Rochdale: Coöperative Societies, Great Britain
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Holland. Coöperative Dairies and Creameries: Coöperative Societies, Holland
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Holland. The Hague. De Volharding: Coöperative Societies, Holland
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Holland. The Hague. Eigen Hulp: Coöperative Societies, Holland: Winkelvereenigung Eigen Hulp. The Hague.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Coöperation: Italy. Turin. Alleanza Cooperativa: Coöperative Societies, Italy
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Types of Working People: Great Britain, England. London. Special Occupations: Social Conditions in London, England: 1905
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Types of Working People: Italy. Naples: Neapolitans: Social Conditions in Naples, Italy: 1905: Types of Neapolitans
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Types of Working People: Italy. Naples. Milkman: Social Conditions in Naples, Italy: 1905: Street Type: Milk-Man: Naples.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Types of Working People: Italy. Naples. Macaroni Makers: Social Conditions in Naples, Italy: 1905: Macaroni-Makers: Naples.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. Virginia. Virginia Highlands: Experiments in Cheap Construction. Milton Dana Morrill System: Prize model of a poured house, awarded first Gold Medal by the 6th International Congress on the Prevention of Tuberculosis
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. Virginia. Virginia Highlands: Experiments in Cheap Construction. Milton Dana Morrill System: The kitchen of the poured house, showing cement sink and wash-tub, with enclosure underneath for garbage pail. A small force-pump furnishes water supply at small cost. The entire house is heated by hot-water from the kitchen range.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. California. Suisun Bay: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation: Suisun Bay California. United States Shipping Board. Emergency Fleet Corporation
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. Birmingham. Municipal Dwellings: Municipal Housing: Great Britain: Birmingham Improvement Scheme. Plan
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. Esher. Esher Park Garden Suburb: Garden Suburbs, Great Britain: Esher Park Garden Suburb.: Statement of size, sales, price and rental of houses for sale in 1910.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. Hampstead. Garden Suburb (Copartnership and Private) Plans of Estate and Cottages: Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, England: Statement from "The Town Planning Review", April 1910.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. Hampstead. Garden Suburb (Copartnership and Private) Plans of Estate and Cottages: Co-partnership Garden Suburbs, Great Britain: Red squares indicate houses -- dotted sections are owned by copartnership associations. The 1st and 2nd Hampstead Tenants - Ltd. in 1910.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. Hampstead. Garden Suburb (Copartnership and Private) Plans of Estate and Cottages: Co-partnership Housing: England: Map of Hampstead Garden Suburb showing arrangement of houses on lots., 1883 - 1956
Charles Wade
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. Hampstead. Garden Suburb (Copartnership and Private) Plans of Estate and Cottages: Co-partnership Housing: England: Hampstead Garden Suburb. 1910
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: Great Britain, England. Hampstead. Garden Suburb (Copartnership and Private) Plans of Estate and Cottages: Hampstead Garden Suburb, London, England: Descriptions of houses built by the Garden Suburb Development Company on land leased from the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust, Ltd. These houses are not owned by the co-partnership associations, but are sold outright, with few restrictions, to the occupant. Prices range from $1500. to $7000.
Unidentified Artist