Arkansas Farmer, Squatter near Bakersfield, California, 1895 - 1965
Dorothea Lange
Looking for Work in the Pea Fields, 1895 - 1965
Dorothea Lange
Untitled (mother with child at breast), 1895 - 1965
Dorothea Lange
Ex-Tenant Farmer on Relief Grant in the Imperial Valley, 1895 - 1965
Dorothea Lange
Migrant Mother with Children, 1895 - 1965
Dorothea Lange
Grumman Aerospace, Bethpage, born 1953
Per Brandin
Smithaven Mall, Christmas, born 1953
Per Brandin
Olympus Corporation, Woodbury, born 1953
Per Brandin
Endo Lab, Garden City, born 1953
Per Brandin
Social Studies Class, Port Jefferson High School, born 1953
Per Brandin
Grumman Aerospace, Bethpage, born 1953
Per Brandin
Brookhaven National Lab, Control Room, Nuclear Reactor, born 1953
Per Brandin
Endo Lab, Garden City, born 1953
Per Brandin
Untitled (children and cat), 20th century
Susan Gittleman
Vernal Falls, Yosemite, 1829 - 1916
Carleton Emmons Watkins
Boy with Plastic Heart, Guatemala, born 1930
Rosalind Solomon
Social Settlements: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Children's Aid Society. "Home Libraries": Home Libraries of the Boston Children's Aid Society, Boston, Mass. First Annual Meeting of the Home Libraries. There is now an afternoon meeting for the younger children, and an evening meeting for the boys and girls who work.
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Children, Reform Schools: United States. Massachusetts. Lancaster. State Industrial School for Girls: State Industrial School for Girls at Lancaster: Ironing Room at Lancaster. Release on Probation.
Unidentified Artist
North Dome from Camp Grove, Yosemite, 1829 - 1916
Carleton Emmons Watkins
Crime, Children, Reform Schools: United States. Massachusetts. Lancaster. State Industrial School for Girls: State Industrial School for Girls at Lancaster: At Work on the Farm. Out Door Work and Play Gymnastics
Unidentified Artist