Education, Popular Culture: Germany. Jena: Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Social Conditions in German Cities: 1905: Jena, Lesehalle, Zeitungssaal
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: Germany. Jena: Carl Zeiss Stiftung: Social Conditions in German Cities: 1905: Jena, Lesehalle, Zeitschriftensaal
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Children, Reform Schools: United States. New York. Rochester. State Industrial School: State Industrial School, Rochester, N.Y.: Rear of Girls' Building
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Children, Reform Schools: United States. New York. Rochester. State Industrial School: State Industrial School, Rochester, N.Y.: Boys' Primary: Front
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Children, Reform Schools: United States. New York. Rochester. State Industrial School: State Industrial School, Rochester, N.Y.: Boys' Primary: Rear
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Prisons: United States. New York. Brooklyn. King's County Penitentiary: Department of Correction, New York City: King's County Penitentiary. Brooklyn.: Entrance to Penitentiary.
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Prisons: United States. New York. Brooklyn. King's County Penitentiary: Department of Correction, New York City: King's County Penitentiary. Brooklyn.: Exterior of Penitentiary.
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Prisons: United States. New York. Hart's Island. Branch Workhouse: Department of Correction, New York City: Branch Workhouse, Hart's Island.: Catholic Chapel.
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Prisons: United States. New York. Hart's Island. Branch Workhouse: Department of Correction, New York City: Branch Workhouse, Hart's Island.: Catholic Chapel - Interior.
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (contact sheet), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Crime, Prisons: United States. New York. Hart's Island. Branch Workhouse: Department of Correction, New York City: Branch Workhouse, Hart's Island.: Interior of Female Pavilion.
Unidentified Artist
Crime, Prisons: United States. New York. Hart's Island. Branch Workhouse: Department of Correction, New York City: Branch Workhouse, Hart's Island.: Old Building - Interior.
Unidentified Artist
Untitled (contact sheet), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (contact sheet), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Untitled (contact sheet), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
Defectives, Epileptics: Germany. Bielefeld. Kolonie Bethel: Anstalt Bethel (Philanthropic Institutions established by Pastor von Bodelschwingh), Bielefeld, Germany: Bethel. Vereinshaus Assapheum
Unidentified Artist
Defectives, Epileptics: Germany. Bielefeld. Kolonie Bethel: Anstalt Bethel (Philanthropic Institutions established by Pastor von Bodelschwingh), Bielefeld, Germany: Bethel bei Bielefeld. Pfarrhaus
Unidentified Artist
Defectives, Epileptics: Germany. Bielefeld. Kolonie Bethel: Anstalt Bethel (Philanthropic Institutions established by Pastor von Bodelschwingh), Bielefeld, Germany: Bethel bei Bielefeld. Adullam
Unidentified Artist
Defectives, Epileptics: Germany. Bielefeld. Kolonie Bethel: Anstalt Wilhelmsdorf (Philanthropic Institutions established by Pastor von Bodelschwingh), near Bielefeld, Germany: Eckardtsheim, Bez. Minden. Jericho
Unidentified Artist
Defectives, Epileptics: Germany. Bielefeld. Kolonie Bethel: Anstalt Wilhelmsdorf (Philanthropic Institutions established by Pastor von Bodelschwingh), near Bielefeld, Germany: Eckardtsheim Bez. Minden. Pfarrhaus.
Unidentified Artist