Health, Baths: United States. New York. Buffalo. Free Public Baths: Public Baths in the United States: C. Buffalo's Free Public Bath-House No. 1.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. Buffalo. Free Public Baths: Public Baths in the United States: D. Public Bath No. 2 - Buffalo.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. Buffalo. Municipal Bath No. 1: Public Baths in the United States: Municipal, Bath Number 1. Buffalo New York.: Waiting Room.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. New York City. Eighth Street Municipal Bath. Hedge Street Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Eighth Street Municipal Bath, New York, New York.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. New York City. People's Bath: Public Baths in the United States: People's Baths. New York, New York.: Exterior.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. New York City. People's Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Shower Baths of the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor - New York.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Massachusetts. Holyoke: Ward 4 Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Ward Four Municipal Bath - Holyoke, Massachusetts: Interior
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Minnesota. St. Paul. Harriet Island Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Harriet Island Municipal Bath, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. Brooklyn. Municipal Floating Bath No. 2: Public Baths in the United States: Municipal Floating Bath Number 2, Brooklyn, New York: Exterior
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. New York City. Eighth Street Municipal Bath. Hedge Street Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Hedge Street Municipal Bath, New York, New York.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. New York City. People's Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Waiting-room of the People's Baths - New York.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. New York City. Public Bath No. 10: New York City Public Schools. Examples of the Adaptation of Education to Special City Needs: Public Bath No. 10. West 51st Street. Hudson River.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. New York City. West 41st Street Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States: West Forty-First Street Municipal Bath, New York, New York.: Exterior.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Wisconsin. Milwaukee. West Side Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States: West Side Municipal Bath. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.: Exterior.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Wisconsin. Milwaukee. West Side Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States: West Side Municipal Bath. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.: Interior.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: France. Marseilles. Slums: Social Conditions in French Cities: 1905: Narrow Streets of the Slums: Marseilles.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: France. Mentone. Native Quarter: Social Conditions in French Cities: 1905: In the native quarters; Mentone.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: France. Paris. Streets: Social Conditions in Paris, France: 1905: In the Grenelle (Whitechapel) District: Paris.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Conditions: Italy. Venice. Slums: Social Conditions in Venice, Italy: 1905: The Ghetto: Venice., studio active 1850s - 1890s
Fratelli Alinari
Housing Conditions: United States. Kentucky. Louisville: Environment After Immigration Perpetuation of European Standards in America: Dilapidated Frame Tenements: 11th Street., 1903-1972, Louisville, Kentucky
Royal Photo Co.