Untitled (man handing woman piece of paper while standing next to oven at cooking demonstration), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (bride and groom posed looking at three old women sitting on couch), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (ring boy and flower girl walking down aisle), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (cooking demonstration on stage in auditorium with female audience), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (men herding cattle at livestock sale with audience watching), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (three men holding down calf in pen), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (men in cowboy hats posing outside building), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (car in small showroom with promotional signs on walls), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (men and women sitting at dining table at convention), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (two men displaying dead deer on ground), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (family seated in living room with boy who has chickenpox), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (two men posed breaking ground on sidewalk next to street marker and jackhammer), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (ten people posed on horseback with one man standing in field), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (bride throwing bouquet to women in residential yard), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (four photographs: parents of groom walking down wedding aisle; bride, groom, and guests posing on dance floor at reception; parents of bride walking down wedding aisle; groom throwing garter to men during wedding reception), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (studio portrait of man holding up large fish), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (man displaying his gun and two dead geese), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (group of children standing outside by large christmas tree), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (post-mortem image of baby wearing sweater in casket), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Untitled (parents of bride or groom walking down aisle), 20th century
Martin Schweig