Untitled (two men talking at couch in office), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (two women inspecting dress of third woman inside large warehouse room), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (old woman packing suitcase on bed as two young children watch), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (three women working on sewing machines in warehouse room), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (woman in formal dress posing on chair with two stuffed dogs), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (young woman in formal dress posed sitting in chair next to table), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (elevated view of fancy dining room filled with women), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (young woman in formal dress posed looking in mirror behind couch), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (view of women sitting around fancy drawing room with large windows), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (view of long table lined with gifts in fancy room), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (four women in evening gowns posing under Christmas ball sign), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (interior of bedroom with twin beds side-by-side), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (two young women holding flower bouquets posing in living room), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (two young women holding flower bouquets posing with mother at bottom of fancy staircase), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (young woman and mother posed looking at one another in front of fireplace at debutante party), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (young woman posing with bouquet by windows at debutante party), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (young woman posed looking at grandmother in front of table at debutante party), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (older woman kissing young man in living room with young woman looking on), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (young couple posed sitting on chair in family library), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (four women chatting in room with bride portraits on wall), 20th century
Martin Schweig