Untitled (woman in black lacy dress standing by potted palm in studio), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (woman in flowered dress with hand raised standing by potted plant), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (portrait of older woman seated in chair with lacy scarf and hands on lap), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (two women with young girl holding doll standing on veranda by column), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (smiling woman holding young girl on her lap), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (portrait of woman in hat, pearls, and dress with ruffled trim), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (woman seated on sofa with young boy and baby, quilt spread out over lap), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (girl in dress seated by piano next to boy in tuxedo standing behind beneath painting), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (mother seated with baby on lap in chair, little boy standing on chair to her side), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (woman sitting on patio with two boys and little girl, all dressed in white), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (portrait of blond girl with bow in hair resting head and arms on back of chair), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (portrait of blond girl with bow in hair standing behind chair, looking left), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (young woman in long white dress with linked belt standing at base of curved staircase), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (little boy in straw hat and striped overalls with stuffed dog under his arm), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (man in suit seated in upholstered chair with little girl holding doll on lap, seated by fireplace), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (older man and woman seated with two young girls at sides), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (girl in performance costume and feather headdress standing in doorway), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (woman kneeling down to adjust bride's train), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (young woman seated by window with arm up on sill), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (view of living room with table, chairs, fireplace, paintings), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings