Untitled (two couples standing next to trimmed Christmas tree), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (couple posing in living room, paintings hanging in room), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (couple posing next to piano in living room, paintings hanging in room), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (close-up view of cow stuck in tree branches), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (boy and girl posing with Kraft caramel display), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (men giving speech with machinery in background), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (men giving speech with machinery in background), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (mother and son on lawn in front of house), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (open-casket coffin with flowers around), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (portrait of young boy wearing hunting attire), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (women with babies standing at podium with flags behind), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (men opening large bank vault door), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (three women in black outside of Salvation Army), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (tractor pulling plow, seen from behind), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (portrait of young boy wearing hunting attire), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (man walking up to microphone to accept award), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (woman posing in fancy white dress), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (large group portrait, people of all ages, inside house), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (young boy posing in cowboy attire in front of house), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (young boy posing in cowboy attire in front of house), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio