Untitled (large truck carrying "Farm House Frozen Pies"), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (Christmas card with photo of two children and text), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (Christmas card from Sunday School class, children and teachers with nativity scene), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (photo of women wearing dresses in front of house), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (group portrait of women on drill team in costume), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (man and girl looking at model train set)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (man showing little boy how to shave)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (portrait of little boy with cowboy hat and toy gun)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (little girl at vanity looking into small mirror)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (adults and children outside large brick house)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (man doing headstand on grass, children watching)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (adults watching children play in front of fireplace)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (men wearing name tags gathered around table)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (portrait of young wonam outside, masking around head)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (children in costume performing "hound dog" song)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (girl with doll bed in front of Christmas tree)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (girl wearing dress holding stuffed animal)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (man and little girl playing in front of fireplace)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (two children playing on large pile of dirt)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (boys gathered around baby on changing table)
Lucian and Mary Brown