Untitled (copy negatives done by studio, men manufacturing metal bars), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (woman posed, seated under painting of little girl), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (family portrait, formal clothes, china cabinet and large clock), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (interior of U.S. patent office: ornate ceiling, arcade, people working at large wooden tables), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (boys drum and bugle corps, YMCA, Cedar Rapids, Capitol Building), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (older boy’s football team, Friends School), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (sports group, younger boys, Friends School), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (high school football players in scrimmage formation), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (varsity football team with coach, Friends School), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (women's group working around a table, Quota Club), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (young man and man in suit, seated in study, large record player), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (men cutting cake, American Association of Nurserymen), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (car show, foreign, domestic, travel trailers), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (portrait of three women standing, dressed in suits, corsages), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (formally dressed girls, two on thrones, outside), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (school girls, in lounge having tea, fireplace), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (two formally dresses men seated, sunlight, formal room), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (formally dressed women, window seat; lead glass window with diamond shaped panes), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (woman poses seated, formally dresses, earrings, long strand of pearls), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing
Untitled (portrait, woman, large fur collar, beret), 1910s-1940s
Harris & Ewing