Untitled (woman looking at view of river from balcony of retirement home)
Jack Gould
Untitled (men sitting at table next to padded wall)
Jack Gould
Untitled (men at Air Force control table)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man in pressure suit climbing into jet)
Jack Gould
Untitled (dancers posing in front of outdoor rotunda)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man flexing muscles in "Mr. Universe" competition)
Jack Gould
Untitled (monkey jumping from door inside house)
Jack Gould
Untitled (woman looking at view of river from balcony of retirement home)
Jack Gould
Untitled (woman looking at view of river from balcony of retirement home)
Jack Gould
Untitled (elderly man sitting on city bench)
Jack Gould
Untitled (men next to Air Force plane)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man next to Air Force plane)
Jack Gould
Untitled (top secret war book with military telephone)
Jack Gould
Untitled (neon lights at night, image of a machine)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man flexing muscles in "Mr. Universe" competition, arms up)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man flexing muscles and holding barbells in "Mr. Universe" competition)
Jack Gould
Untitled (couple having meal inside pool hall)
Jack Gould
Untitled (woman looking at view of river from balcony of retirement home)
Jack Gould
Untitled (elderly man sitting on city bench, head down)
Jack Gould
Untitled (men next to large Air Force jet)
Jack Gould