Untitled (large family portrait in living room)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (three children seated at picnic table, seen from behind)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (group of people standing in corner of room behind ribbon)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (family holding sporting equipment by lakeshore)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (two little boys, one with toy tugboat)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (older man, possibly grandfather, with two children on lap on couch)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (older woman, possibly grandmother, with two children in living room)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (boy with glasses seated cross-legged outside)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (four children in formal attire on stone wall)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (woman, possibly mother, with two children on steps by waterside)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (Little girl and little boy on tricycles)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (family in front of tree with greeting card text )
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (small children group photo, possibly a class photo in classroom)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (baby next to Christmas tree and creche)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (boy, girl, and dog by tree in snow)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (boy, girl, and dog by tree in snow)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (man, woman, and girl looking into mirror)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (man and woman with girl holding telephone)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (woman reading book to children on couch)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (man tossing girl onto bed)
Lucian and Mary Brown