Untitled (men on basketball team, group portrait), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (woman standing in front of large mirror), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (man and boy looking at buffet table), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (children standing on table at Christmas party), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (men playing basketball, crowd watching), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (people celebrating New Year's Eve), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (row of houses seen from street), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (room with conference table and framed portraits), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (interior of restaurant and lounge with floral carpet), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (living/dining area of small house), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (advetrising display of Bell's Scotch Whiskey), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (chair and desk with background masked out), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (large group of women at banquet tables), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (man wearing "Cities Service" hat), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (couples dancing, seen from above)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (family portrait with many dogs and puppies)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (back seat of car after accident)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (girl with bruises from car accident)
Lucian and Mary Brown
Untitled (man on bench looking down at rodent), 1916 - 1996
Francis J. Sullivan
Untitled (baby looking into man's shirt pocket)
Lucian and Mary Brown