Untitled (woman playing piano, others listening)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (man sitting behind desk in office)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (two men shaking hands at podium)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (five men eating at small table)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (Ambassador Satch record album cover)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (two men and one woman on couch)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (record album cover for The Four Tunes)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (record album cover for Hebrew songs)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (record album cover for Tenor Sax)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (three men with cigarette study poster)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (large party, seen from event)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (two men sitting, holding bottle)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (men and women gathered around desk)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (men and woman next to long table)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (family on lawn outside large house)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (record album cover for Paris Concert)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (record album cover for Carlos Montoya)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (man and woman sitting at table, smoking)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (woman speaking to men at conference table)
Peter James Studio
Untitled (children outside in rain coats and hats)
Lucian and Mary Brown