Untitled (bridal party portrait in studio), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (large group outside of church), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (woman seated casually on cloth), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (man lying in open casket), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
Untitled (bridal party portrait with parents), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (bride seated for studio portrait), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (Graduation Class June 1941), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (bridal party portrait in studio), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (bride and groom posing in studio), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (man displaying machine parts), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (students march down street), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
Untitled (portrait of an older and younger man), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio
Untitled (confirmation and commencement, classes of 1949), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (West Allis football team), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (general goods store interior), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (group of uniformed men in warehouse), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (bridal party posed in studio), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (bridal party posed in studio), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (bridal party portrait in studio), active 1940s
John Deusing
Untitled (mourners beside open casket), active 1930s
Hamblin Studio