Untitled (chimp hanging from bar)
Jack Gould
Untitled (seated man working at switchboard)
Jack Gould
Untitled (soccer player jumping and kicking)
Jack Gould
Untitled (three men sitting in chairs)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man sweeping trash on street)
Jack Gould
Untitled (portrait of girl wearing bonnet), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (girl resting head on arm), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (factory with machinery, towers, and cranes)
Jack Gould
Untitled (cars in indoor Cadillac lot)
Jack Gould
Untitled (view of crane; building bridge)
Jack Gould
Untitled (cars in used car lot)
Jack Gould
Untitled (aerial view of large dam)
Jack Gould
Untitled (highway bridge under construction)
Jack Gould
Untitled (man and chairs on deck of steamboat)
Jack Gould
Untitled (hunters and officer looking at shotgun)
Jack Gould
Untitled (young couple dancing the Jitterbug)
Jack Gould
Untitled (young couple dancing the Jitterbug)
Jack Gould
Untitled (young couple dancing the Jitterbug)
Jack Gould
Untitled (young couple dancing the Jitterbug)
Jack Gould
Untitled (young couple dancing the Jitterbug)
Jack Gould