Untitled (large group of women at tea), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (large group of men marching), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (New Year's Eve celebration), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (crowd watching golf tournament), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (man and woman sitting on beach)
Boston Herald
Untitled (woman standing in front of door)
Boston Herald
Untitled (woman sitting on top of desk)
Boston Herald
Untitled (woman sitting against wall)
Boston Herald
Untitled (woman sitting on beach by fence)
Boston Herald
Untitled (female graduates planting tree), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (women in front of Mercy Hall), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (advertising display of Smirnoff Vodka), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (bride holding coffee pot), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (man with car in front of house), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (patient having feet treated), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (man and car on snowy road), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (picture of man pinned to wall), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (woman at ball holding bouquet), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (portrait of boy made for doctor), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian
Untitled (woman sitting on couch, smoking), active 1940s-1950s
Robert Burian