Untitled (two girls with dog on grass), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (little boy in toy car), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (two men playing horseshoes), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (men playing game on lawn), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (woman with boy and girl on couch), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (interior of photography studio and store), 1879 - 1939
C. Bennette Moore
Untitled (woman giving baby a bath), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (elderly woman with little girl), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (men lined-up for race), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (four men playing golf), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (goods and place settings on tables), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (portrait of woman wearing glasses), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (little girl playing piano), active 1930s-1960s
John Howell
Untitled (passengers aboard cruise ship), 1879 - 1939
C. Bennette Moore
Untitled (woman with pipe sitting on stoop), 1879 - 1939
C. Bennette Moore
Untitled (people clowning around at party), 1879 - 1939
C. Bennette Moore
Untitled (two children eating watermelon), 1879 - 1939
C. Bennette Moore
Untitled (man in front of gate and trees), 1879 - 1939
C. Bennette Moore
Untitled (family outside next to car), 1879 - 1939
C. Bennette Moore
Untitled (two young men laughing), 1879 - 1939
C. Bennette Moore