Untitled (five photographs, clockwise from upper left, Peter; Violet; Charlie; Pinkie; center, Alexandra, Princess of Wales with Prince Albert Victor; verso: inscribed "Lord Sandys"), 1838-1903
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Untitled (three photographs, clockwise from the top, Countess of Bective, Lady Olivia Taylour; Honorable Lady Filmer; Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury; verso: Sir Edmund Filmer, Bart.), 1838-1903
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Untitled (four photographs: man pulling boy in wagon; family seated in Studebaker convertible; family having picnic outside by car; woman and girl having picnic outside by car), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (four photographs: family having picnic outside by car; family sitting in Studebaker convertible; children wading in stream; two childen holding hands seen from behind), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (two photographs: old man posed reading in den next to bay windows with plants on ledge; double studio portrait of woman wearing dress, hat, corsage, and cross), 20th century
Martin Schweig
Untitled (photograph on wall of group standing around yard and balcony of house with man petting a dog in foreground), 20th century
Martin Schweig
North Fork Canon, Sierra Blanca Creek, Arizona, 1840 - 1882
Timothy H. O'Sullivan
Unemployment benefits aid begins. Line of men inside a division office of the State Employment Service office at San Francisco, California, waiting to register for benefits on one of the first days the office was open. They will receive from six to fifteen dollars per week for up to sixteen weeks. Coincidental with the announcement that the federal unemployment census showed close to ten million persons out of work, twenty-two states begin paying unemployment compensation, 1895 - 1965
Dorothea Lange
Three Young Korean Women Wearing Traditional Robes, Sitting on Mats,and Preparing to Pound Cloth