Charity, Hospitals: Germany. Berlin. Grosse Heilanstalt der Charité: Grosse Heilanstalt der Charité in Berlin (Great Hospital of Charity, Berlin, Germany): Ear Clinic: Ward.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: Germany. Berlin. Grosse Heilanstalt der Charité: Grosse Heilanstalt der Charité in Berlin (Great Hospital of Charity, Berlin, Germany): Ear Clinic: chemico-bacteriological Laboratory.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. City Hospital, Blackwell's Island: City Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. City Hospital, Blackwell's Island: City Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York: New Male Helpers' Dormitory.
Unidentified Artist
Art Study from Model, 1868 - 1939
John H. Garo
Man and Christmas Tree, 20th century
Mary E. Frey
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. Bellevue Hospital, Manhattan: Bellevue Hospital, Manhattan (New York City Almshouse System)
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. Metropolitan Hospital, Blackwell's Island: Metropolitan Hospital, New York City: Prospective View of Hospital.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. Metropolitan Hospital, Blackwell's Island: Metropolitan Hospital, Blackwell's Island (New York City Almshouse System)
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: Germany. Berlin. Grosse Heilanstalt der Charité: Grosse Heilanstalt der Charité in Berlin (Great Hospital of Charity, Berlin, Germany): Nose, Throat and Ear Clinic. Entrance.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. Albany. City Hospital: City Hospital, Albany, N.Y.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. Albany. City Hospital: City Hospital, Albany, N.Y.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. Albany. City Hospital: City Hospital, Albany, N.Y.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. City Hospital, Blackwell's Island: City Hospital, Blackwell's Island (New York City Almshouse System): View toward South: Laundry and Female Helpers; Nurses Home; Maternity
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. City Hospital, Blackwell's Island: City Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York: Front Elevation of Hospital.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. City Hospital, Blackwell's Island: City Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York: Front Elevation of Hospital.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. City Hospital, Blackwell's Island: City Hospital, Blackwell's Island (New York City Almshouse System)
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. City Hospital, Blackwell's Island: City Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York: New Pavilion.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. City Hospital, Blackwell's Island: City Hospital, Blackwell's Island (New York City Almshouse System)
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. New York. New York City. Metropolitan Hospital, Blackwell's Island: Metropolitan Hospital, New York City: Prospective View of Hospital.
Unidentified Artist