Grödner Dolomiten, Sellagrüppe, Felsturm auf dem Grat des Las Dol Lek, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Grödner Dolomiten, Langkofel Grüppe, Der Langkofel vom Plattkofel, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Sextner Dolomiten, Einser, Elfer und Rotwand vom Toblinger Riedel, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
From Jonsong-La, Sikhim, Himalaya, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Dongusorun, Central Caucasus, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Dykhtan and Koshtantan from the Summit of Koum, Central Caucasus, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Tower on the Left Side of the Lower Baltoro Glacier, Karakoram, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Monte Rosa from Alphubel, High Alps, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Breithorn from the Summit of Weisshorn, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Burdjula from the N. Summit of Sandur Ridge, Central Caucasus, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Mt. Blanc, High Alps, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
The Rest of a Winter Avanlanche on the Pilatte River, Dauphiny, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
At Buweya in Uganda, English East Central Africa, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Dent Blanche from Dent d'Herens, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
The Group of the Ecrins, High Alps of Dauphiny, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
The Great Crater at Mt. Etna, Sicily, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Mt. Shkara, Central Caucasus, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Mt. Sugan and Mt. Ptysvacki, Central Caucasus, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
Mt. Shkara, Central Caucasus, 1859-1943
Vittorio Sella
A Member of the Wilkins Family Making Biscuits, 1910 - 1990
Marion Post Wolcott