Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian, Francis, John the Baptist, Jerome, an unidentified female saint, Saint Anthony of Padua and two donors, c. 1459 - 1516
Circle of Giovanni Bellini
Self-Help, 1852 - 1909
Laura Theresa Alma-Tadema
George F. F. Lombard (1911-2004)
Monks in a Ruined Crypt, 1775 - 1849
François-Marius Granet
Girl Playing a Cello, 1848 - 1933
Lilla Cabot Perry
Saint John the Baptist Pointing to Christ in a Landscape, 1625 - 1713
Carlo Maratti
Maharana Bhim Singh of Mewar Ties His Turban
Attributed to Chokha
Untitled, 1932 -
Gerhard Richter
Three Horses in a Barnyard, 1795 - 1865
John F. Herring Sr.
Untitled, 1932 -
Gerhard Richter
Untitled, 1932 -
Gerhard Richter
Illustrated Anthology of Ancient and Modern Verse (Kokin wakashū) Vol. 5
Illustrated Anthology of Ancient and Modern Verse (Kokin wakashū) Vol. 4
Illustrated Anthology of Ancient and Modern Verse (Kokin wakashū) Vol. 3
Illustrated Anthology of Ancient and Modern Verse (Kokin wakashū) Vol. 2
Pair of Shrine Doors Depicting Brahmâ (Bonten) Deva of the Sky and Indra (Taishakuten) Deva of the East, Two of the Twelve Deva Kings (Jūniten) with Attendants
Illustrated Anthology of Ancient and Modern Verse (Kokin wakashū) in Five Volumes
Mrs. (Asa) Samuel Hammond (Sarah Dawes Hammond), 1800 - 1880
Francis Alexander
Rao Raja Bhoj Singh of Bundi Batters a Leaping Tiger from a Tree