High Relief Crucifixion and Three Marys
The Saviors and Scenes from the Gospel
Crucifixion with Virgin, Saint John, and Soldiers
Unidentified Artist
Twelve Fragments of Window from Fossoy (Chateau Thierry)
Saint Margaret of Antioch (?), 1404 - 1437
Battista Vincenza
Pair of Two-Handled Vases
Unidentified Artist
Taking the Oath and Drawing Rations, 1829 - 1904
John Rogers
Abacus of Engaged Twin Columns from Abbey of Santa María de Lebanza, Palencia
Unidentified Artist
Capital from the Abbey of Santa María de Lebanza; principal face: Christ in Majesty Exhibiting His Wounds; right face: Disciple with Lance and Disciple with Nails; left face: Two Disciples with Double-Armed Cross
Unidentified Artist
Abacus of Capital from the Abbey of Santa María de Lebanza
Unidentified Artist
Capital from the Abbey of Santa María de Lebanza, Palencia; principal face: Two Holy Women and Angel at the Tomb: right face: Third Holy Woman; left face: Gardener (Christ?)"
Unidentified Artist
Attic or Campanian Squat Lekythos with Ribbed Body
Gnathia Ware Skyphos
South Italian
Temple or Palace Relief: Charioteers