Cucumber (Kyūri), 1886 - 1977
Kawasaki Shōko
Wisteria (One of Twelve Album Leaves), 1803 - 1886
Zhang Xiong 張熊
Landscape with Fisherman and Waterfall, 1585 - after 1664
Lan Ying 藍瑛
The Cicada Shell (Utsusemi), Illustration to Chapter 3 of the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari), active c. 1469-1522
Tosa Mitsunobu
The Paulownia Pavilion (Kiritsubo), Illustration to Chapter 1 of the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari), active c. 1469-1522
Tosa Mitsunobu
Six Views of Atsugi, 1793 - 1841
Watanabe Kazan
Dragon and Tiger, 1784 - 1837
Yokoyama Kazan
Peach Blossoms (One of Twelve Album Leaves), 1803 - 1886
Zhang Xiong 張熊
View of Stone Lake, 1501 - 1583
Wen Jia 文嘉
Tsou Hsu
Pigeon, 1886 - 1977
Kawasaki Shōko
Chestnut, 1886 - 1977
Kawasaki Shōko
Young Rabbit, 1886 - 1977
Kawasaki Shōko
Moon and Grass Plumes, 1885 - 1954
Yamauchi Yaichirō
Landscape of a Misty Mountain Scene, 1763 - 1841
Tani Bunchō 谷文晁
Landscape after Yen Wen-kuei, 1722 - 1784
Kō Fuyō
Roses (One of Twelve Album Leaves), 1803 - 1886
Zhang Xiong 張熊
Flowers (One of Twelve Album Leaves), 1803 - 1886
Zhang Xiong 張熊
Chrysanthemums (One of Twelve Album Leaves), 1803 - 1886
Zhang Xiong 張熊
Narcissus (One of Twelve Album Leaves), 1803 - 1886
Zhang Xiong 張熊