Illustrated Manuscript of the Rawda al-Ushshaq (Garden of Lovers) of Arifi
Looking Towards Mount Adams from Mount Hood, 1859 - 1935
Childe Hassam
Luna Moth on a Bleeding Heart, active 19th c. -
Miss Harris
Shadows at 5 P.M., Simplon Village, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Sketch of Sunset, East Gloucester, Massachusetts; verso: Dock with Buildings, 1847 - 1915
Ross Sterling Turner
Oak Silkmoth on a Morning Glory, active 19th c. -
Miss Harris
Plant Stalk, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Bare Tree, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Aphrodite on a Goose, after a Greek Vase, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Rocks, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Heraldic Device with Shield and Lion, 1840 - 1930
? Charles Herbert Moore
Achilles, after a Greek Vase, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Candle, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Asters, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Bottle, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Old Woman Spinning, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Seated Man, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Girl Carrying Basket, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Holly, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore
Vase, 1840 - 1930
Charles Herbert Moore