Untitled (eight photographs, clockwise from upper left, Mrs. Ferguson of Pitfour; Colonel and Mrs. Marshall; Miss Howard; Lt. Colonel Ferguson of Pitfour; Miss Baillie Cochrane; Viscountess Holmesdale; Viscount Holmesdale; center, Hon. Seymour Egerton), 1838-1903
Mary Georgiana Caroline Cecil Filmer
Untitled (Mrs. C. Bennette Moore, painting portrait of her granddaughter Eugenie Moore), active 1940-1969
Grace Moore
Untitled (man posing in front of large landscape painting, two tall candlesticks at sides), 1914 - 2016
Jack Rodden Studio
Untitled (portrait of woman in formal dress and glasses seated on sofa under painting of river), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (woman in evening dress with fan seated in front of tree and peacock wall painting), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
Untitled (bride and groom examining table full of gifts in room with religious painting on wall), active 1913 - 1984
Orrion Barger
Rustam Fending off the Rock Dropped by Bahman (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
The Ka`ba at Mecca (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 20 (detached) from a Manuscript of a Majmu`a of Persian Texts
Khusraw and Shirin with Courtiers and Pomegranates (painting, verso; text, recto), folio from a manuscript of the Khamsa (Khusraw and Shirin) by Nizami
Bahram Gur in the Sandalwood Pavilion (painting, verso; text, recto), folio from a manuscript of the Khamsa (Haft Paykar) by Nizami
The Death of Luhrasp in Battle against the Forces of Arjasp (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Lovers with Wine (painting, verso); Love Poetry (calligraphy, recto), folio from an album, right-hand side of a bifolio, Calligrapher, active late 15th to first half of 16th century
Attributed to Mir `Ali Haravi
The Constellation Serpentarius (painting, recto and verso), illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Kitab Suwar al-Kawakib by al-Sufi
It's the Day for the Garden (painting, recto; text, verso), folio 173 from a manuscript of the Divan (Collection of Works) of Anvari
Ascribed to Mahesh
The Beloved Arrives at Midnight (painting, recto; text, verso), folio 54 from a manuscript of the Divan (Collection of Works) of Anvari
Ascribed to Shiva Das
Rashnavad Battles the Rumis (painting, verso; text, recto), illustrated folio from the Great Ilkhanid Shahnama (Book of Kings)
Battle scene (painting, verso), Text (recto), illustrated folio (137) from a Manuscript of the Timurnama by Hatifi
Battle scene (painting, recto), Text (verso), illustrated folio (83) from a Manuscript of the Timurnama by Hatifi
Archer with the Head of a Horse and the Face of a Man, Carrying a Bow and Arrow (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript
Khusraw and Shirin (painting, recto; text, verso), folio from a manuscript of the Khamsa (Quintet) of Amir Khusraw Dihlavi