The Christ Child, from the Holy Family with Saint Barbara and John the Baptist, after Veronese, 1895 - 1936
Carl Peter Teigen
Saint John the Baptist and Two Franciscans, 1317 - 1327
Attributed to Ugolino di Nerio, called Ugolino da Siena
Right wing of a portable tabernacle: Saint John the Baptist; Above: the Angel Gabriel, active 14th century
Master of the Richardson Tabernacle
Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Christopher, an Unidentified Bishop Saint, Anthony Abbot, above: Christ as Man of Sorrows; left panel: Saint Andrew and the Archangel Gabriel; right panel: Saint Ansanus and the Annunciate Virgin, active 14th century
Master of the Richardson Tabernacle
Saint Catherine; left panel: Saint Louis of Toulouse (?) and the Archangel Gabriel; right panel: Saint Francis and the Annuniciate Virgin
Unidentified Artist
Crucifixion with Saint Jerome, the Virgin, Mary Magdalene, and Two Unidentified Saints, 1431 or 1432 - 1498
Follower of Antonio Pollaiuolo
Virgin and Child with Saints Mary Magdalene and Catherine of Alexandria and Angels, 1458 - 1496
Pietro Orioli