Lingzhi Fungus and Rocks in Circular Fan Shape -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Plum Blossom Branch in Circular Fan Shape -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Lotus and Flowering Branch in Circular Fan Shape -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Orchids and Lingzhi Fungus in Circular Fan Shape -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
Fruit (Three Yellow Oranges on a Barkwood Dish) -- Illustration from the Ten Bamboo Studio Manual of Calligraphy and Painting (Shizhuzhai shuhua pu), c. 1582 -1672
Hu Zhengyan 胡正言
"Well, if you look at this painting really closely, you can discover certain qualities, you can see its coloring is good.", 1808-1879
Honoré-Victorin Daumier
Pulling Yusuf from the Well (text recto; painting verso of folio 53); illustrated folio from a manuscript of Yusuf and Zulaykha by Nizami
Yusuf Tells His Story (text recto; painting verso of folio 64); illustrated folio from a manuscript of Yusuf and Zulaykha by Nizami
Zulaykha Stops Yusuf As A Beggar (painting recto; text verso of folio 113); illustrated folio from a manuscript of Yusuf and Zulaykha by Nizami
Door Knocker with Neptune and Sea Horses, 1525 - 1608
Alessandro Vittoria
Still Life, 1891 - 1930
Preston Dickinson
Parody of the Nō Play Hakurakuten (Two Figures Standing in Boats: Chinese Scholar Holding an Ink Orchid Painting and Japanese Girl Holding a Harunobu Bijin Pillar Print Scroll), 1725-1770
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木春信
Ibrahim Preparing to Sacrifice Isaac (painting, verso; text, recto), folio 43 from a manuscript of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) of Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Nayshaburi
Isfandiyar's Third Course; He Slays the Dragon (painting, verso), Isfandiyar's Second Course; He Slays the Lions (text, recto), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama of Firdawsi
Untitled (bleed-through of previous page, left page); Untitled (blank, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Untitled (bleed-through of previous page, left page); Untitled (inflatable, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Untitled (bleed-through of previous page, left page); Untitled (inflatable, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Untitled (bleed-through of previous page, left page); Untitled (inflatable, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Untitled (bleed-through of previous page, left page); Untitled (notes, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene
Untitled (bleed-through of previous page, left page); Untitled (notes, right page), 1928 - 2014
Otto Piene