Charles Martin Tornow Loeffler (1861-1935) (copy photograph of a painting by John Singer Sargent, 1903, Rhode Island School of Design), 1858 - 1935
Sarah Choate Sears
Untitled (Pointe á la Hache, Louisiana), 1898 - 1969
Ben Shahn
The Black Pavilion (painting, recto), Text (verso), illustrated folio (129) from a Manuscript of the Khamsa by Amir Khusraw of Delhi (d. 1325)
Procession (painting, verso), Text (recto), illustrated folio (210) from a Partial Manuscript of the Zafarnama by Sharaf al-Din `Ali Yazdi
Procession (painting, recto), Text (verso), illustrated folio (211) from a Partial Manuscript of the Zafarnama by Sharaf al-Din `Ali Yazdi
Rustam in Combat at the Castle of Mount Sipand (painting recto; text verso of folio 64), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Rustam Slays Ashkabus with an Arrow to the Chest (painting recto; text verso of folio 197), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Jamshid and the Daughter of Gurang, King of Zabulistan (text recto; painting verso of folio 21), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Jamshid Sawn in Half before Zahhak (painting recto; text verso of folio 26), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Bahram and the Iranians find the Body of Forud (text recto; painting verso of folio 168), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Rustam Establishes Tus as Ruler of Jaj (painting recto; text verso of folio 144), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Tus Falls under the Spell of Susan (painting recto; text verso of folio 266), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Gudarz Falls under the Spell of Susan (painting recto; text verso of folio 267), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Giv Falls under the Spell of Susan (painting recto; text verso of folio 268), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Gastaham Falls under the Spell of Susan (painting recto; text verso of folio 269), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Kay Khusraw Goes to the Palace of Zal (painting recto; text verso of folio 284), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Shida is Killed at the Hands of Kay Khusraw (painting recto; text verso of folio 310), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Garshivaz Brings Bijan in Front of Afrasiyab (text recto; painting verso of folio 223), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Rustam Saves Bijan from the Well (painting recto; text verso of folio 233), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Lion Hunt (One Side of a Double-Sided Drawing) (recto); Tigers and Soldiers (Pounce) (One Side of a Double-Sided Drawing) (verso)