Rustam Executes Surkhah (text recto; painting verso of folio 102), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Tus Kills Arjang (painting recto; text verso of folio 182), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Manuchihr Slays Tur (painting recto; text verso of folio 42), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Rustam Captures Rakhsh (text recto; painting verso of folio 72), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Giv Strikes Tizhaw on the Shoulder (text recto; painting verso of 178), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Manuchihr Slays Salm (text recto; painting verso of folio 43), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Faridun Captures Zahhak (painting recto; text verso of folio 32), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Rustam Slays Suhrab (text recto; painting verso of folio 107), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
The Feeding of Zahhak’s Serpents (painting recto; text verso of folio 27), illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Afrasiyab Battles Bijan (painting recto; text verso of folio 251), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Faramurz Battles Pilsam (text recto; painting verso of folio 271), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Rustam Slays Pilsam (painting recto; text verso of folio 278), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Disappearance of Kay Khusraw (text recto; painting verso of folio 323), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Combat of Chengish with Rustam (painting recto; text verso of folio 202), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Combat of Rustam with Kafur (text recto; painting verso of folio 211), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Bahram Returns to Tus (text recto; painting verso of folio 162), Illustrated folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
The Prophet’s Mosque at Medina (painting recto, text verso of folio 19) from a manuscript of prayer
Gnathia Oinochoe
South Italian
Oil flask (aryballos) in the form of a seated monkey