X-radiograph(s) of "Still Life (Breakfast Materials)", 1699 - 1779
Artist of original: Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin
Le Corbusier Color Keyboard from "Materials Lab", born 1962
Fernanda Fragateiro
Sketchbook (Siena, Perigord), born 1946
Elena Prentice
Lamp in the Shape of a Trussed Male Gazelle
Double Sided Book Case Floor from "Materials Lab", born 1962
Fernanda Fragateiro
Box to Keep the Void from "Materials Lab" (book to be sent by artist to be enclosed in box), born 1962
Fernanda Fragateiro
James Jackson [first physician to Massachusetts General Hospital, 1777-1867], active 1843-1863
Southworth & Hawes
Untitled (man in suit seated in wooden chair, holding reading material), 1900 - 1988
Paul Gittings
"Packaged House" System, 1942-1952: Specification of material, title page, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Drapery Material for the Wheeler Room, Harkness Commons, Harvard Graduate Center, 1899 - 1994
Anni Albers
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement 1891 - 1904: Exhibit VI: Map of School Farms.
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement 1891 - 1904: Exhibit VI: Diagram of Truck Farm of the Baron de Hirsch Agricultural School showing Distribution of Crops.
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement 1891 - 1904: Exhibit VI: Diagram of Distribution and Rotation of Crops on Farms of the Dairy Department of the Baron de Hirsch Agricu
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement 1891 - 1904: Exhibit VI
Made by E. Shellenberger
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement 1891 - 1904: Exhibit VI
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement 1891 - 1904: Exhibit VI
Made by George A. Blake
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement 1891 - 1904: Exhibit VI
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement 1891 - 1904: Exhibit VI