Stylized Fan-Shaped Pendant (Keman) with Decoration of Birds and Flowers, from a set housed at the temple Jōgon-in, Shiga Prefecture
Standing Arya-Avalokiteshvara (Shō Kannon bosatsu) on a Lotus Base, one from a set of 1,000 images formerly in Kōfuku-ji, Nara
Virūdhaka (Zōchōten), Guardian King of the South, one of the Devarājas (Shitennō), or Four Heavenly Guardian Kings
Head of a Bodhisattva, d. 1057
Attributed to Jōchō
Seal with Bird Figure
Straight Pin with Disc Head (Two-Headed Bull, Flan, Tree of Life)
Double-Headed Rooster Pendant
Two Birds on a Rectangular Base
Draped Woman
Unidentified culture
Portable Buddhist Shrine with Two Removable Standing Bodhisattvas, a Lotus Base for a Seated Buddha Image (now missing), a Repoussé Panel Depicting the Buddha Amitabha (Amit'abul), and Repoussé Panels on the Doors Representing Guardian Figures
Buddhist Triad: Amitabha Buddha Seated on a Lotus Throne with His Hands Held in the 'Bhŭmisparsa-mudrâ' and Flanked by Two Standing Bodhisattvas, Presumably Avalokitesvara and Mahasthamaprapta
Crowned, Pensive Bodhisattva, Probably Mirŭk Posal (Bodhisattva Maitreya), Seated with the Left Leg Pendant, the Right Ankle Resting on the Left Knee, the Left foot Resting on a Lotus Blossom, the Right Hand Supporting the Chin
Buddha Standing on an Octagonal, Double-Lotus Base with His Right Hand Raised in the Abhaya-mudra and His Left Hand Lowered in the Varada-mudra, Probably the Buddha Shakyamuni (Sŏk'kamoni Yŏrae)
Standing Buddha with Right Hand Lowered and with Left Hand Raised
Crowned Bodhisattva, Probably Taeseji Posal (Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta), Standing on a Heptagonal, Double-Lotus Base, the Bodhisattva's Right Hand Raised, the Left Hand Lowered
Love Restrained by the Graces, 1730 - 1793
Konrad Linck