Crime, Women: United States. New York. Hudson. House of Refuge for Women: Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
Unidentified Artist
Defectives, Epileptics: United States. New York. Sonyea: Craig Colony: Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
Unidentified Artist
Defectives, Insane: Belgium. Louvain. Hospice Soeurs Noires: Public Charitable Institutions, Louvain, Belgium
Unidentified Artist
Education, Popular Culture: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Principal Opportunities for Vocational Education in Boston
Unidentified Artist
Defectives, Feeble-minded: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Forms used by League for Preventive Work: Schedules Used in Investigation: Forms used by the League for Preventive Work, Boston, Mass.
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Posters. City Planning,: Public education in city planning by means of posters maintained by the Boston Chamber of Commerce in 1913.
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. New Jersey. Newark: City Planning, Newark, New Jersey
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: Europe: Comparative Park Reservations of Berlin, London, Paris, Vienna: Town Planning, Europe: Comparative Park Reservations of Paris - Berlin London and Vienna. Large residence areas in London Paris and Berlin are without easy access to parks- Exceptional park system of Vienna is displayed by comparison.
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. Washington, D.C.: Heights of Buildings, Washington: Districting in Washington: On residential streets the maximum height limit is 85 feet subject to certain provisions. The height may not exceed the width of the street diminished by 10 feet on streets more than 70 feet in width. The height may not exceed 60 feet on streets between 60 and 70 feet in width. The height may not exceed the width of the street on streets less than 60 feet in width. Key to Height Limitations: Olive, 160 feet: red, 130 feet: yellow, 95 feet: green, 90 feet: blue, 80 feet: lavender, 60-85 feet: white, street width.
Unidentified Artist
Education, Industrial: United States. Wisconsin. College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin: Agricultural Education, Wisconsin: Scope and Results
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States: Social Conditions, United States: Census of 1900
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Educational Posters. City Planning, Boston, Mass.: Poster prepared by the Committee on City Planning of the Boston Chamber of Commerce in the year 1914.
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States: City Planning, Schedules Used in Investigation: Traffic Counts
Unidentified Artist
Government, City: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Heights of Buildings, Boston: Height Districts - Boston: Boston has been divided into two districts - District A and District B
Sampson & Murdock Co.
Government, City: United States. Texas. Houston: City Planning, Houston, Texas: City of Houston: Range in Land Values, 1912.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. New York City. West 60th Street Municipal Bath: Public Baths in the United States: Cellar Plan. West Sixtieth Street Municipal Bath. New York, New York.
Unidentified Artist