Races, Jews: United States: Agencies Promoting Assimilation of the Immigrant. Directing the Immigrant into American Agricultural Life
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States: Agencies Promoting Assimilation of the Immigrant. Directing the Immigrant into American Agricultural Life
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States: Agencies Promoting Assimilation of the Immigrant. Directing the Immigrant into American Agricultural Life. Coöperative Credit Unions: Report and Financial Statement of the Jewish Farmers' Cooperative Credit Unions
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Public: United States. Massachusetts: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Children: United States, Massachusetts. State Board of Charities. State Wards: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State Board of Charity, State Infants, Chart One, Showing the Total Number Received each year Since 1880.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: Great Britain, England. Earswick. Rowntree and Company: Garden Villages, England: Earswick Garden Village: Statement from The Town Planning Review, April 1910.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States: Social Conditions, United States, Census of 1900, Proportions of Persons Engaged in Each Class of Occupations: 1900
Unidentified Artist
Liquor Problem: United States. Missouri. Kansas City: Liquor Legislation Enforcement, United States, Forms filled out by licensees for operation of saloons in Kansas City Missouri, 1913. The Board of Police Comissioners is the licensing department of the city.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Children: United States, Massachusetts. State Board of Charities. State Wards: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State Board of Charity, Division of State Minor Wards, Infants in Charge of State. Chart Three, Showing the Number Remaining on hand at End of Each Year Since 1880.
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. Jewish Farmers Cooperative Credit Union
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Parks and Playgrounds: United States: Playgrounds, United States: Diagram showing space required for some common outdoor games
Unidentified Artist
Recreation, Park and Playgrounds: United States. New York. New York City. Seward Park, Open Air Playground: New York City Parks and Playgrounds: William H. Seward Park.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: France. Paris. L'Union Familiale: L'Union Familiale, Paris, France.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. Massachusetts. Tewksbury. State Hospital: Massachusetts State Board of Charity, State Hospital. Tewksbury.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Hospitals: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Hospitals, Boston, Mass: The Boston City Hospital Grounds and Principal Floor.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Children: United States, Massachusetts. State Board of Charities. State Wards: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State Board of Charity, Division of State Minor Wards, Infants in Charge of State. Chart Two, Showing the Number and Method of Disposals for Each Year Since 1880.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Schedules Used in Investigation of Housing Conditions, Boston, Mass.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Incomes and Expenditures: Great Britain: British Board of Trade: Labour Exchanges and Unemployment Insurance: Work of State Labour Exchanges
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Colorado. Pueblo. Colorado Fuel and Iron Company: Industrial Housing in Mining Villages. Estate Plans: Colorado Fuel and Iron Company and the Rocky Mountain Coal and Iron Company: Plan of upper part of Segundo, Colorado.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. Maryland. Sparrow's Point. Maryland Steel Company: Industrial Betterment in the United States. Housing of Working People by Employers: Maryland Steel Company, Sparrow's Point, Maryland. House for employees. Plan L.
Unidentified Artist