Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. New York. Niagara Falls. Niagara Development Company: Industrial Betterment in the United States. Housing of Working People by Employers: Niagara Development Company, Niagara Falls, New York. House for Employees. Plan T.: First Floor.
Unidentified Artist
Industrial Problems, Welfare Work: United States. New York. Niagara Falls. Niagara Development Company: Industrial Betterment in the United States. Housing of Working People by Employers. Niagara Development Company, Niagara Falls, New York. House for Employees. Plan S: First Floor.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. South End House, Boston, Mass.: South End House, Boston, Mass.: From "Americans in Progress.": Map Illustrating the Industrial Character of the Population in the West End Boston.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Virginia. Hampton. Locust Street Settlement: Agencies Promoting the Assimilation of the Negro. Locust Street Settlement, Hampton, Va.
Unidentified Artist
Charity, Children: United States. New Hampshire. Franklin. New Hampshire Orphans' Home: New Hampshire State Charitable and Correctional Institutions. New Hampshire Orphans' Home. Franklin, New Hampshire.
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement and School, Woodbine, N.J., Baron de Hirsch Fund.: Exhibit V. Municipal Documents.: 11. Ordinance passed by Borough Council.
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement and School, Woodbine, N.J., Baron de Hirsch Fund.: Exhibit V. Municipal Documents.: 14. Borough of Woodbine. Board of Education.
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement and School, Woodbine, N.J., Baron de Hirsch Fund.: Exhibit V. Municipal Documents.: 13.
Unidentified Artist
Races, Jews: United States. New Jersey. Woodbine. Baron de Hirsch Agricultural and Industrial School: Woodbine Settlement and School, Woodbine, N.J., Baron de Hirsch Fund.: Exhibit V. Municipal Documents.: 12. Sanitary Code of the Borough of Woodbine
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Pennsylvania. Allegheny. Wood Run Industrial House: Wood Run Industrial House, Allegheny, Pa.: District Table.
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Illinois. Chicago. "Hull House": Hull House, Chicago, Ill.: Leading Clubs
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Illinois. Chicago. "Hull House": Hull House, Chicago, Ill: Hull House, 335 South Halsted Street, Chicago, Ill., Established in 1889: Purpose
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Illinois. Chicago. "Hull House": Hull House, Chicago, Ill.: Jane Club; Forum
Unidentified Artist
Social Settlements: United States. Illinois. Chicago. "Hull House": Hull House, Chicago, Ill.: Principal Publications.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Cabot Street Municipal Baths: Public Baths in the United States: PUblic Bath, Cabot Street, Boston, Mass.: Plan 2.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Improved Housing: Boston: Charlesbank Homes: Rent Receipts, Keys, etc.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Improved Housing: Boston: Charlesbank Homes: Rules: Of: The: Building.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Improved: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Improved Housing: Boston: Charlesbank Homes: Application Blank.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. Massachusetts. Boston. Cabot Street Municipal Baths: Public Baths in the United States: Public Bath, Cabot Street, Boston, Mass.: Plan 1.
Unidentified Artist
Health, Baths: United States. New York. Yonkers. Municipal Bath Number 2: Public Baths in the United States: Municipal Bath Number 2. Yonkers, New York: Floor Plan.
Unidentified Artist