Housing, Government: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Card used in the investigation of basements
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Schedules used by Local Boards of Health: Card used in the investigation of basements
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Massachusetts. Cambridge: Schedules Used in Investigation of Housing Conditions, Cambridge, Mass.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Massachusetts. Fall River: Schedules used by Municipal Building Departments: Application for Permit to Build
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Massachusetts. Lawrence: Schedules Used in Investigation, Lawrence, Mass.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Massachusetts. Lawrence: Schedules Used in Investigation of Housing Conditions, Lawrence, Mass.: Apartment Card
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Michigan. Detroit: Schedules Used in Investigation of Housing Conditions, Detroit, Mich.: Apartment Card
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Michigan. Detroit: Schedules Used in Investigation of Housing Conditions, Detroit, Mich.: Multiple House Card
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Michigan. Detroit: Schedules Used in Investigation of Housing Conditions, Detroit, Mich.: Detached House Card
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Industrial: United States. Pennsylvania. Palmerton: New Jersey Zinc Company: The New Jersey Zinc Co. (of Pa.) Palmerton, Pa.: Palmerton Hospital Release.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Connecticut. Groton: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation: Groton Community Centre
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Florida. Jacksonville: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Florida. Jacksonville: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation: Detached House: The Emergency Fleet Corporation U-S-S-B. Housing at South Jacksonville Florida. H J Klutho Architect, Jacksonville Florida., 1873-1964
Henry John Klutho
Housing, Government: United States. Illinois. Chicago: Schedules Used in Investigation of Housing Conditions, Chicago, Ill.: Apartment Card
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Illinois. Chicago: Schedules Used in Investigation of Housing Conditions, Chicago, Ill.: Families in furnished rooms
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Maine. Bath: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. Shipping Board, Emergency Fleet Corporation: The Bath Playing Fields
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Maine. Bath: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. Shippin[g Bo]ard, Emergency Fleet Corporation: The Bath Playing Fields - Gymnasium
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Maine. Bath: Governmental Agencies of House Construction. U.S. Shippin[g Bo]ard, Emergency Fleet Corporation: The Bath Playing Fields - Assembly
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Massachusetts: Scedules Used in Investigation: Forms used by a special agent of the Massachusetts State Board of Charity in an investigation of lodging houses throughout the state.
Unidentified Artist
Housing, Government: United States. Massachusetts. Boston: Cards Used in Housing Investigation, Boston, Mass.: Forms and memoranda
Unidentified Artist