Illuminated sarlawh of the Khusraw and Shirin (text recto; sarlawh verso of folio 33), sarlawh from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizam
Shirin looks at the portrait of Khusraw (text recto; painting verso of folio 46), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizam
Khusraw catches sight of Shirin Bathing (text recto; painting verso of folio 50), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Battle of Khusraw and Bahram Chubin (text recto; painting verso of folio 62), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizam
Shirin goes to Mount Bistun and meets Farhad (text recto; painting verso of folio 77), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizam
Khusraw comes to Shirin’s palace (text recto; painting verso of folio 87), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Khusraw and Shirin making love (text recto; painting verso of folio 104), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Text folio containing the colophon at the end of Khusraw and Shirin, illuminated sarlawh of Layla va Majnun (text recto; sarlawh verso of folio 117), from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Layla and Majnun at school (text recto; painting verso of folio 129), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Layla and Majnun fainted (text verso; painting recto of folio 160), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami”
Majnun Watches the Battle of the Clans (text verso; painting recto of folio 161), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Iskandar and the wise shepherd (text verso; painting recto of folio 162), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Iskandar lassoing the Russian demon (text recto; painting verso of folio 163), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Iskandar watching bathing maidens (text recto; painting verso of folio 164), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Khusraw, Shirin, Shapur and the girls telling stories (text recto; painting verso of folio 165), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Illuminated sarlawh of Haft Paykar (text recto; illumination verso of folio 181) sarlawh from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Bahram Gur gains Ardashir’s quest of the crown (text recto; painting verso of folio 196), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Fitna carries a calf on her shoulder up a sixty-step tower (text verso; painting recto of folio 200), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Bahram and a courtly feast (text verso; painting recto of folio 210), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami
Mahan confronted by demons finds his horse transformed into a seven-headed dragon (text recto; painting verso of folio 224), painting from a manuscript of the Khamsa by Nizami