Ibrahim Preparing to Sacrifice Isaac (painting, verso; text, recto), folio 43 from a manuscript of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) of Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Nayshaburi
Ibrahim in a Fire (painting, recto; text, verso), folio 35 from a manuscript of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) of Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Nayshaburi
Sulayman Looks at Balqi's Legs to See if They are Hairy (painting, verso; text, recto), folio 128 from a manuscript of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) of Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Nayshaburi
Musa's Rod(?) Swallowing the Magician's Eyes (painting, recto; text, verso), folio 83 from a manuscript of the Qisas al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets) of Ishaq b. Ibrahim al-Nayshaburi
Double page: The Trial by Fire of Siyavush (painting, verso; text, recto), left-hand side of a double-page painting from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Majnun visited by his father in the desert (painting, verso; text, recto), folio from a manuscript of the Layla and Majnun by Nizami
Kay Khusraw Reviews His Troops (painting, verso; text, recto), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Story of Farangis (text, recto and verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Rustam and the Iranians Hunt in Afrasiyab’s Preserves (text, recto and verso), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Bahram Gur hunts with Azada (painting, verso; text, recto), folio from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Double page: The Trial by Fire of Siyavush (painting, verso; text, recto), right-hand side of a double-page painting from a manuscript of the Shahnama by Firdawsi
Illuminated frontispiece, right-hand side of a bifolio from a manuscript of the Khulasa al-Akhbar
Folio 3 from Section (Juz') IX of a Manuscript of the Qur'an: Frontispiece, Sura 7: 88-89 (verso)
Folio 4 from Section (Juz') IX of a Manuscript of the Qur'an: Frontispiece, Sura 7: 89 (recto), Sura 7: 89-93 (verso)
Garden Scene (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 43 from a Manuscript of Humay va Humayun by Khwaju Kirmani
Hunting Scene (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 52 from a Manuscript of Humay va Humayun by Khwaju Kirmani
Humay in the Golden Fortress (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 63 from a Manuscript of Humay va Humayun by Khwaju Kirmani
Hunting Scene (painting, verso), Text (recto), folio 87 from a Manuscript of Humay va Humayun by Khwaju Kirmani
Humay at the Castle of Humayun (painting, recto), Text (verso), folio 96 from a Manuscript of Humay va Humayun by Khwaju Kirmani
Humayun Fights with Humay (painting, recto), Text (verso), folio 119 from a Manuscript of Humay va Humayun by Khwaju Kirmani