Christ in the Wheatfield, with Mole, Squirrel, and Birds, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Rabbit Hunt, with Ray-Fish and Birds, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Bear Hunt, with Lobster, Quail, Weasel, and Fish, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
The Fall of Icarus, with Mouse, Turkey, Crab, and Spaniel, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Elisha Curses the Youths, with Lizard, Fish, Frog, and Bird, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
The Temptation of Christ, with Bird, Bat, and Monkey, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Traveler with Cap and Staff Encounters a Woman, with Badger and Dog, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Jacob's Dream, with Sea-Turtle and Pinks, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
The Good Samaritan, with Fish, Lizard, Squirrel, and Owl, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
The Devil Sowing the Tares, with Rabbit, Monkey, Greyhound, and Parrot, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
The Sacrifice of Isaac, with Guinea Pig, Rabbit, and Monkey, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Wild Dog Hunt, with Fish, Parrot, Peacock, and Stork, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Lot and His Daughters, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Saint John on Patmos, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
The Finding of Moses, with Hedgehog, Seal, Lobster, and Bird, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
The Baptism of Christ, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Stag Hunt, with Fish, Eagle, Hermit Crab, and Stork, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Hare Hunt, with Fish, Rabbit, and Turkey, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
The Flight into Egypt, with Bird, Dog, and Goat, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert
Daniel in the Lion's Den, with Birds, Carnations, and Roses, c. 1560 - 1618
Adriaen Collaert