Coin of Neapolis under Philip I, r. 244-249 CE
Philip I and II
Coin of Bar Kokhba
Bar Kochba
Coin of Badr Al-Din Lu'lu, Mosul, r. 1234-1259/631-657
Badr al-Din Lu'Lu'
As of Iulia Traducta under Augustus, r. 27 BCE - 14 CE
Coin of the Island of Zakynthos
Coin of Sardis?
Roman Provincial
Dupondius of Tiberius, Rome, r. 14-37 CE
Coin of a Greek City in Italy (?)
One Pogh
Unidentified Artist
Two-thirds Miliaresion of Constantine X, Constantinople, r. 1059-1067
Constantine X
Coin of Cyzicus
Roman Provincial
As of Antoninus Pius, r. 138 - 161 CE
Antoninus Pius
As of Antoninus Pius, r. 138 - 161 CE
Antoninus Pius
Coin of Corinth under duoviri
Roman Provincial