Fragment of the Flaring Cylindrical Base of a Short Pedestalled Vessel, the Base with Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Small Perforations in Registers
Fragment of the Stem and Flaring Base of a Tall Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Paired Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Small Oval Perforations
Fragment of the Stem and Flaring Base of a Short Pedestaled Vessel, the Stem Incised with Horizontal Lines
Fragment of the Stem and Flaring Base of a Pedestaled Vessel, the Stem with Paired Horiztonal Lines in Relief
Fragment of the Cylindrical Base of a Short Pedestalled Vessel, the Base with Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Keyhole-shaped Perforations
Fragment of the Stem of a Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Paired Horizontal Lines in Relief
Fragment of the Stem and Flaring Base of a Tall Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Paired Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Small Oval Perforations
Fragment of the Stem of a Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Paired Horizontal Lines in Relief
Fragment of the Stem of a Short Pedestalled vessel, the Stem with Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Small Perforations
Fragment of the Stem of a Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Paired Horizontal Lines and with Oval Perforations
Fragment of the Stem of a Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Paired Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Small Oval Perforations
Fragment of the Stem and Flaring Base of a Pedestaled Vessel, the Stem with Horizontal Lines in Relief and the Base with Incised Cross-hatching
Fragment of the Stem and Flaring Base of a Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Paired Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Small Oval Perforations
Sherd: Second of Four Fragments of a Shallow Dish with Rounded Bottom
Sherd: Sixth of Seven Fragments of a Cylindrical Pedestal with Perforations (Incomplete)
Sherd: First of Two Fragments from the Rim of a Vessel (Incomplete)
Fragment of the Stem and Flaring Base of a Short Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Small Circular Perforations
Fragment of the Stem and Flaring Base of a Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Paired Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Small Circular Perforations
Fragment of the Stem and Flaring Base of a Pedestalled Vessel, the Stem with Horizontal Lines in Relief and with Small Circular Perforations
Fragment of the Cylindrical Base of a Pedestaled Vessel, the Base with Small Circular Perforations in Two Registers