Ceramic Sherd from a Circular Bowl with Scrolling Floral Décor on the Interior and with Rising-Lotus Petals on the Exterior: Generally rectangular fragment including portions of the side wall and unglazed lip and elements of the decoration
Ceramic Sherd from a Circular Bowl with Rising Lotus-Petals on the Exterior: Generally rectangular fragment including portions of the floor, footring, and side wall and elements of the decoration
Ceramic Sherd from a Circular Bowl with Scrolling Lotus Décor: Generally triangular fragment including portions of the floor, footring, and side wall and elements of the decoration
Ceramic Sherd from an Undecorated Circular Dish with Vertical Side Wall: Curving, generally triangular fragment including portions of the floor, flat base, vertical side wall, and unglazed lip
Ceramic Sherd from an Undecorated Circular Dish with Angled Side Wall and Notched Rim: Curving, generally triangular fragment including portions of the floor, flat base, angled side wall, and notched, unglazed lip
Ceramic Sherd from an Undecorated Circular Bowl: Generally trapezoidal fragment including portions of the floor, footring, and side wall
Triangular Fragment, with a Zig-Zag Design along the Rim
Sherd: Triangular Fragment from the Mouth of a Cylindrical Censer with Molded Floral Decor
Sherd: Lower Portion of a Cylindrical Tripod Censer, the Sherd Including One Cabriole Leg and a Portion of the Firing Ring
Sherd: Rectangular Fragment from the Bottom of a Circular Bowl or Dish, the Sherd Including a Portion of the Glazed Footring
Sherd: Rectangular Fragment of a Shallow Bowl or Dish with Indented Lip
Sherd: Triangular Fragment of a Circular Bowl with Rising Lotus-Petal Decor, the Sherd Including a Portion of the Footring
Sherd: Square Fragment from the Mouth of a Circular Bowl with Everted Lip and with Rising Lotus-Petal Decor
Sherd: Fragment from the Bottom of a Circular Bowl or Dish, the Sherd Including a Portion of the Glazed Footrim and Two Spur Marks
Sherd: Fragment of a Domed Cover, the Sherd Including Portions of the Rim and Two Spur Marks on the Interior
Two Roman Sherds (said to be from Mycenae & Tiryns)
Six Attic Black-figure Sherds (said to be from Mycenae & Tiryns)
Eleven Miscellaneous Unsorted Sherds from Greece
Ten Archaic Sherds (said to be from Mycenae & Tiryns)
Bronze Age Sherd (said to be from Delos)