Figure Studies for an Angel, "Israel and the Law," Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study for Second Angel from Left; Left Arm with Sword, for "Israel and the Law," Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study for Angel at Far Left, "Israel and the Law," Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Studies for the Church, Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study for the Prophet Joel, Boston Public Library (recto and verso), 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study for the Frieze of the Prophets, Boston Public Library; verso: Portrait of a Woman, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study for Moses, Boston Public Library (recto and verso), 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study for Seated Angel at Left, "Israel and the Law," Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study for the Frieze of the Prophets, Boston Public Library (recto and verso), 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Sketch of Seated Man; verso: Study for Moses, Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Drapery Study for the Law, "Israel and the Law," Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study for Seated Angel at Left, "Israel and the Law," Boston Public Library, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Kimono Design Book (Hinagatabon)
Kimono Design Book entitled Patterns of Ficticious Designs (Fukuin onhinagata)
Kimono Design Book (Hinagatabon), Vol. 1 (of 2)
Kimono Design Book (Hinagatabon), Vol. 2 (of 2)
Practice Book for Painting Students (E-tehon)
Copies of Flower Paintings by Tan'yu, Yasunobu, and Jittekisai (Shin Sōboku jōge)
Album of Insect, Animal, and Flower Sketches with Copies of Prints