Mountain Landscape, Engelsburg, Germany, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Four Paintings in Japanese Style, 1856 - 1925
? John Singer Sargent
Sketches of Faces; verso: Designs for Vaulting Ornament, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Molding Profile, Squared; verso: Designs for Vaulting Ornament, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Designs for Vaulting Ornament with Rudimentary Lettering (recto and verso), 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Seated Girl Reading, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study of a Snake; verso: Three Abstracted Sketches, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Study for a Crucifix; verso: Partial Study for a Crucifix, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Sailboat, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Headdress; Woman's Profile; Baby in a Walker; verso: Studies of Sleeping Man, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Head of a Bird of Prey, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Blank page; verso: Perspective Sketch of Column Bases and Pedestals, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Blank page; verso: Profile of Column Base, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Blank page; verso: Sketch of Column Base with Fluted Shaft, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Drapery Study; verso: Sketch of Man in Jacket, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Blank page; verso: Cylinder Decorated with Flowers, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Sketch of Decorative Base, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Henrietta Samuel Montagu Franklin (Mrs. Ernest Lewis Franklin) (recto and verso), 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Sketch of Standing Man; Quick Sketch of Woman; verso: Henrietta Samuel Montagu Franklin (Mrs. Ernest Lewis Franklin), 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent
Mrs. Leopold Hirsch; verso: Inscription, 1856 - 1925
John Singer Sargent