Mask from the Courtyard of the Zeughaus, Berlin, 1725 - 1797
Christian Bernhard Rode
Mask from the Courtyard of the Zeughaus, Berlin, 1725 - 1797
Christian Bernhard Rode
Mask from the Courtyard of the Zeughaus, Berlin, 1725 - 1797
Christian Bernhard Rode
Mask from the Courtyard of the Zeughaus, Berlin, 1725 - 1797
Christian Bernhard Rode
Invitation to a Ball, 1715 - 1790
Charles-Nicolas Cochin le jeune
Young Monk, 1727 - 1792
Benigno Bossi
The Miserable Calas Family, 1721 - 1775
Jean Baptiste Joseph Delafosse
Calas Bidding Farewell to His Family, 1726 - 1801
Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki
Description of a Slave Ship
The Tea-Tax-Tempest (The Oracle)
Unidentified Artist
The Oracle, 1720/30 - 1804
John Dixon
Neue Versuche und Muster das Pflanzenreich zum Papiermachen und andern Sachen wirthschaftsnützlich zu gebrauchen (New Experiments and Samples of Paper Made without Rags or at Least a Small Addition of Those Materials) (5 vols.), 1718 - 1790
Jacob Christian Schäffer
Frontispiece to La découverte australe par un homme-volant, ou Le Dédale Français (The Discovery of the Austral Lands by a Flying Man; or, The French Daedalus) (vol. 1), 1734 - 1806
Author: Nicolas Edme Restif de la Bretonne
Haiyantang Dongmian (Calm Seas Palace), plate 12, from Changchun yuan shuifa tu (Pictures of the European Palaces and Waterworks), active at the Manchu court, c. 1749 - 1793
Huayuan Zhengmian (Labyrinth), plate 5 from Changchun yuan shuifa tu (Pictures of the European Palaces and Waterworks), active at the Manchu court, c. 1749 - 1793
Henry Hastings, Nightman to His Majesties Offices, & for the City & Suburbs, 1751? - 1790
John Keyse Sherwin
Thomas Ripley & Co.
W. Cole
Walking Temple Gates
Unidentified Artist
Animal Comedians
Unidentified Artist
A Representation of the Surprising Performances of Mr. Price