Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Cupboards, shelves, and cabinets - living room and dining room: plans and elevations, sections (3/4" , 6" = 1'-0" and full size), active mid-20th C.
Frank Residence, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1939-1940: Shoe boxes in bathrooms: plan, elevations, and section (6" =1'-0"), active mid-20th C.
Frank Residence, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1939-1940: Closet in 019 and laundry: plans, elevations, and sections ( 1 1/2" = 1'-0"), active mid-20th C.
Frank Residence, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1939-1940: Interior details of room #219: plans, elevations, details (cancelled) (1/2", 1 1/2" = 1'-0" and full size), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Margoulis Residence, Palm Springs, California, 1938-1939: Ground floor plan, 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Breuer Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Second floor framing plans (1/4" = 1'-0"), active early 20th C.
Breuer Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Roof framing plan and details (1/4" = 1'-0"), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: South and west elevations (1/4" = 1'-0"), active early 20th C.
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Framing elevations - south and west (1/4" = 1'-0"), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Garage: plan, elevations, sections (1/4" and 1 1/2" = 1'-0"), active early 20th C.
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Closets - dressing room, linen closet: plans, elevations, sections (1/2" = 1'-0"), active early 20th C.
Frank Residence, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1939-1940: Sketch--mirror door: details (cancelled) (full size), active early 20th C.
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: North and east elevations (1/4" = 1'-0"), active early 20th C.
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Second floor framing: plan and section (1/4" = 1'-0"), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Framing elevations - north and east (1/4" = 1'-0"), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Window details (1/2" = 1'-0" and full size), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Window section, door jambs: details (full size), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Ford Residence, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 1938-1939: Window details - south wall living room (1/2" = 1'-0" and full size), active early 20th C.
Frank Residence, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1939-1940: Connector enclosures, second and third floors: details (1/2" = 1'0"), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius
Frank Residence, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1939-1940: Alt. lights to stairwell: northwest elevation of recreation room (cancelled), 1883 - 1969
Walter Gropius