Siglos of the Achaemenid kings, r. c. 522-330 BCE
Achaemenid Kings
Siglos of the Achaemenid kings, r. c. 522-330 BCE
Achaemenid Kings
Solidus of Julian Caesar, Antioch, r. 360 - 363 CE
Julian II
Solidus of Theodosius II, Constantinople, r. 402 -450 CE
Theodosius II
Solidus of Anastasius I, Constnatinople, r. 491 - 518
Anastasios I
Solidus of Maurice Tiberius, Constantinople, r. 582 - 602
Maurice Tiberius
Solidus of Maurice Tiberius, Constantinople, r. 582 - 602
Maurice Tiberius
Solidus of Maurice Tiberius, Constantinople, r. 582 - 602
Maurice Tiberius
Solidus of Heraclius, Constantinople, 690 - 702
Abd-al-Malik (Umayyads)
Solidus of Constans II, Constantinople, 641 - 668
Constans II
Solidus of Constans II, Constantinople, 641 - 668
Constans II
Solidus of Tiberius III, Constantinople, r. 698 - 705
Tiberius III
Histamenon of Constantine VIII, Constantinople, r. 1025 - 1028
Constantine VIII
Histamenon of Romanus III, Constantinople, r. 1028 - 1034
Romanos III
Hekte of Mytilene, Lesbos
8 Reales of Mexico
Tetradrachm of Barke, Kyrenaika, from the Asyut Hoard 1969
Tetradrachm of Barke, Kyrenaika, from the Asyut Hoard 1969
George II Half Crown
Unidentified Artist
Eight Reales with George III Countermark
Unidentified Artist