Solidus of Leo VI, the Wise, r. 870 - 912
Leo VI
Solidus of Basil I, r. 867 - 886
Basil I
Solidus of Constantine VI and Irene, Constantinople, 780 - 792
Constantine VI
Histamenon of the Augusta Theodora Makrembolitissa, r. 830 - 856
Augusta Theodora
Histamenon of the Augusta Eudokia Makrembolitissa, r. 1067
Eudokia Makrembolitissa
Miliaresion of Constantine IX with the Meter Theou, r. 1042 - 1055
Constantine IX
Trachy of John III Vatatzes, Nikaia, r. 1221-1254
John III
Copper Assarion of John V, r. 1341-1391
John V
Hyperperon of Andronikos II, r. 1282-1328
Andronikos II
Miliaresion of Romanos III, Constantinople, r. 1028 - 1034
Romanos III
Follis of Justin II, Constantinople, r. 565 - 578 CE
Justin II
Follis of Constantine VI and Irene, Constantinople, 780 - 792
Constantine VI
Solidus of Constantine VII, Constantinople, r. 945 - 959
Constantine VII
Tetarteron of Theodora, Constantinople, co-r.1042; r. alone 1055-1056
Solidus of Theophilus, Constantinople, r. 829 - 842
Solidus of Michael III, Constantinople, r. 842 - 867
Michael III
Oval Didrachm of Chios, from the Asyut Hoard, Egypt, 1968
Stater of the Koinon of Thessaly
Koinon of Thessaly