Coin of Magnesia ad Meandron under Marcus Aurelius, r. 161 - 180 CE
Marcus Aurelius
Coin of Irenopolis under Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, r. 161 - 180 CE
Marcus Aurelius
Hasmonaean Coin of Jerusalem under John Hyrcanus II (?), 76BCE-40BCE
John Hyrcanus II
Coin of the Roman Procurator Pontius Pilate (under Tiberius), r. 14-37 CE
Coin of the Roman Procurator Pontius Pilate (under Tiberius), r. 14-37 CE
Tetradrachm of Alexander II Zabinas, r. 126/5-123 BCE
Alexander II Zabinas
Tetradrachm of Alexander II Zabinas, r. 126/5-123 BCE
Alexander II Zabinas
Sestertius of Caligula in the name of his mother Agrippina I, the Elder, Rome, r. 37 - 41 CE
Aureus of Domitian, Rome, r. 81 - 96 CE
Aureus of Domitian struck for his wife Domitia, Rome, r. 81 - 96 CE
Denarius of Trajan, Rome, r. 98-117 CE
Covered Globular Jar with Scrolling Camelia Decor
Solidus of Justinian II, First Reign, r. 685-695; co-r. 705-711
Justinian II
Solidus of Justinian II, Second Reign, Constantinople, r. 685-695; co-r. 705-711
Justinian II
Solidus of Constantius II, Nicomedia, r. 337-340
Constantine II
Sestertius of Trajan, Rome, r. 98-117 CE
Coin of Sauromates II of Bosporos countermarked with the head of Septimius Severus, r. 193 - 211 CE
Septimius Severus
Coin of Judaea under Agrippa II, Uncertain Mint (Neronias), r. 50-c. 90 CE
Agrippa II
Coin of the Island of Syros under Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, r. 161-169 CE
Lucius Verus
Coin of Cyprus under Antoninus Pius and M. Aurelius Caesar, r. 161 - 180 CE
Marcus Aurelius